The Worgens are any teenage girl's definition of a werewolf. Normally werewolves are caught in a love story, but the story of the worgens is a bit more tragic. They used to all be humans but then a curse spread through the land and they became infected. This curse turned them into half-man and half-wolf. Most people didn't understand what was going on so they retaliated against their own kind. This was until everyone had pretty much been cursed, including their leader, Genn Greymane. The worgen race was included with the Cataclysm expansion and therefore not only do you start with the city being plagued by the curse but it is also being destroyed. As you progress you constantly have to keep moving from place to place because everything is falling into the sea. The capital city of the Worgens used to be Gilneas, but their home was destroyed. Now they make their home in the Night Elven capital of Darnassus. The Night Elves took pity on them and excepted them into their homes seeing that they had no where else to go. The designs of the worgen models are okay. The male model is great. It looks vicious and cunning in nature. The female form of the worgen is not so great. You don't perceive that viciousness from them. I saw one picture that compared their face to a chihuahua and let me say that they weren't that far off. I kinda wish that they would update the female model to make it look more frightening. The worgens are probably number three on my favorite race list. The classes they can choose are diverse. They can be magi, priests, warriors, druids, hunters, death knights, rogues, and warlocks. The racial abilities for the worgens are:
Worgen Crest
- Darkflight: It activates true form and increases your movement speed by 40% for 10 sec.
- Viciousness: Critical strike increased by 1%
- Aberration: Resistance to shadow and nature damage
- Flayer: Skinning skill is increased by 15 and you skin faster.
- Two Forms: Allows you to switch between Human and Worgen form.
- Running Wild: This is like the racial mount for worgens, except that you are the mount.Your character will drop onto all forms like a wild animal and run. This ability increases speed based on the ability you have. It can be a 60% increase or a 100% increase.
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