Night Elf Crest "Icon of Wisdom" |
The Night Elves are an ancient race and were once immortal. Unfortunately they lost their immortality after a great war that caused them to come out of hiding. The Night Elves are very naturalistic in all aspects of their lives. To give an example, they live in a massive tree that was created by the Druids that is approximately the size of a small island. In the society, while the males are present, the female night elves appear to be more dominant. The Sentinels, which are the protectors in every night elf city are all female. The night elves also rely on The Ancients to protect them as well. Going with the nature route, the ancients are giant living trees that roam the forests. The Night Elves do not dabble in dark, corrupting magic like warlocks do. They are very pure and are still trying to purge the taint that their former queen Azshara brought upon their race. The current leaders of the Night Elves are High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind and Archdruid Malfurion Stormrage. The druids are a very important part of Night Elven life. This is because nature surrounds them and they live as one with nature. In terms of technology, the Night Elves are lacking, but that does not apply to their survival for nearly 10,000 years. The night elves have relied on nature to provide them with everything that they need. They even live inside of trees. Literally the trees have semicircular holes which provides a living area. Of course this does not harm the trees as that would go against a lot of the things that they stand for in protecting nature. Night Elves can be a number of classes which are: Druids, Magi, Priests, Warriors, Hunters, Monks, Death Knights, and Rogues. The Night Elves, along with the Draenei, are one of my favorite races. This is due to the fact that they can be druids, which is my favorite class. It is also because their capital city of Darnassus is so beautiful. I also just like the model of the night elves. The one racial ability that I will mention is Shadowmeld which allows the player to basically disappear into the shadows. You can't move your character or else the effect will be canceled.
Tyrande Whisperwind |
Malfurion Stormrage & Tyrande Whisperwind |
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