For my last blog post I will talk about my favorite Goddess from Greek Mythology. Athena (also known as Pallas Athena), in Greek Mythology is the goddess of Battle Strategy and Wisdom. She is the daughter of Zeus and Metis. She wasn' t born like every other being. She was born from Zeus' head. There is a long story behind this. Basicllay Zeus challenged Metis into a shapeshifting competition. when she turned into a fly Zeus ate her and she lived in his head from that point on. Metis is the goddess of prudency and wisdom. hence how her daugher recieved these abilities. When Metis found out that she was going to have a child, she started getting ready. She wove beautiful white robes and started forging armor for Athena. it gave Zeus a headache that was so bad, he started howling in pain. All the gods came to the aid of Zeus, and Hephaestus had to split his head open. Out of the split sprung forht a fully grown Athena, dressed for battle. All of the Olympians were amazed at the sight of the magnificent goddess. Athena is Zeus' most trusted advisor. He would even let her carry his Aegis, which was the silver shield of Zeus that had the horrible head of the Gorgon Medusa on it. Athena is the Patron Goddess of Athens. Her sacred tree was the Olive Tree and her sacred animal was the Owl.
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