Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Pallas Athena!!!!!!!
The Fates
Monday, May 4, 2015
The Olympians
The Olympians were the most powerful Gods in the Greek World. They were Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, Athena, Ares, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Hermes, Apollo, Artemis, Demeter, and Dionysus. These gods and goddesses held the ultimate power, although there were two forces that they could not interfere with. That will be another post. Lets go over what these beings were the gods of and what their duties were. Zeus is the King of the Gods and Ruler of the Skies. Poseidon is the Lord of the Seas and he is also known as the Earthshaker. Hera is the Queen of the Gods and she is the Goddess of Marriage and Family. Athena is the Goddess of Wisdom and Battle Strategy (Favorite Olympian by the way). Ares is the God of War and Aphrodeite is the Goddess of Love. Hephaestus is the God of Blacksmiths as well as the Blacksmith of the Gods. Hermes is the God of Messengers, Travelers, Merchants, and Thieves. Hermes is also the Messenger of the Gods and the Jack of All Trades sort of guy. Apollo is the God of Light and Music and his twin sister Artemis is the Goddess of the Hunt and the Moon. Demeter is the Goddess of the Harvest and Crops. Finally, Dionysus is the Goddess of Revalry, Wine, and Wild Behavior.
You might be wondering about Hestia and Hades. While these two Gods were children of Kronos and Rhea, they were not Olympians. Hestia used to be an Olympian, but she gave her seat up for Dionysus, seeing that her spot was at the center of the Throne Room by the Hearth. She is the eldest Olympian and is the Goddess of the Hearth and Protector of Homes. Hades is the God of the Underworld, but is not an Olympian and rarely if not ever visits Olympus.
The Primordial Beings
The Three Brothers
For those Harry Potter fans out there, I am not talking about the Three Brothers and the Deathly Hallows. I am talking abou the original Three Brothers. They were Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. These three gods were some of the most powerful in the Greek World. After they deated Kronos in the Titan War, they split up the powers to rule the three domains. Zeus became king and ruled the skies. Poseidon took the seas, and Hades got the Underworld and everything that was in the earth belonged to him. The Three Cyclopses forged for them some of the most famous weapons in Greek Mythology. For Zeus, they forged the lightning bolt to rule the skies. For Poseidon, thebasicy forged a trident to command the seas. For Hades, they forged a Helm of Darkness, which would make him invisible, as goes with the ruler of the Underworld.
One thing that I would like to note is that Hades is not the god of the Dead in Greek Mythology. He is the ruler of the Underworld. Thanatos is the real god of the Dead. This is where we get the present words that have meanings of death such as a Thanatologist and Thanatology.
For those Harry Potter fans out there, I am not talking about the Three Brothers and the Deathly Hallows. I am talking abou the original Three Brothers. They were Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. These three gods were some of the most powerful in the Greek World. After they deated Kronos in the Titan War, they split up the powers to rule the three basic domains. Zeus became king and ruled the skies. Poseidon took the seas, and Hades got the Underworld and everything that was in the earth belonged to him. The Three Cyclopses forged for them some of the most famous weapons in Greek Mythology. For Zeus, they forged the lightning bolt to rule the skies. For Poseidon, they forged a trident to command the seas. For Hades, they forged a Helm of Darkness, which would make him invisible, as goes with the ruler of the Underworld.
One thing that I would like to note is that Hades is not the god of the Dead in Greek Mythology. He is the ruler of the Underworld. Thanatos is the real god of the Dead. This is where we get the present words that have meanings of death such as a Thanatologist and Thanatology.
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
People, organizations, and businesses have websites for many reasons. One of the most important reasons is because they want to be noticed and they want their information to be accessible. By information I mean business numbers, addresses to business locations, and sometimes statistics. They also have websites so that people can become more familiar with the organization. People in general use websites if they personally run a business.
Take, for example, a man started a bakery. The website might contain the list of items that they bake and the ingredients that they use. The man also might want to add that some things might be gluten free or sugar free. The website will also probably have the phone number to contact the bakery and place an order. There should also be an address for the site of the bakery and maybe a map that shows the location to give a person context. You may also find a page that gives information on whether the bakery caters and if so what events they specialize in.
Appearances are also a big thing for websites. People either try to make the site mimic the theme that they are going for or just try to make the site look appealing. Lets use the bakery example from above. The bakery website might either look really appealing or have certain things like cakes and certain baked goods in the background. This is just another way to get people to stay on your website because it looks good.
Renweb: Since I am a student, my most frequently visited wbsite is renweb. Renweb is a site that basically is a planner, a gradebook, and a school directory all in one. It is a very valuable resource that helps all the students at my school. What I like about Renweb is that it has all the information we need for school and it is easy to find info. The one thing that I do not like about Renweb is that there is a login system that is fairly long.
Gaggle: Another student resource is my gaggle email. This is how most of my school comunicates. It is a necessatry resource in our school beclouse otherwise you wouldn't know what was going on. The thing that I like about gaggle is that it is a great form of communication and it is easy to use. The one thing that I don't like about gaggle is not everyone in our school checks it frequently so communication can become frustrating.
Google: Anyone can say that google is the at least in their top five list of most frequently visited websites. Google is the most popular search engine in the world. Google has many different apps such as google docs that can help people communicate and work together from long distances. The one thing that I like about google is that there is always a result for a search. The one thing that I do not like about google is that sometimes searches do not always find what you are looking for and that could be frustrating.
BBC.com: Because of a Geography assignment I frequently use BBC News to find articles about current events. BBC.com has hundreds of articles about world news and are constantly updated to keep up with the world. The one thing that I like about BBC news is that it is a great resource for learning about current events. The one thing that I do not like about BBCnews is that sometimes it can be hard to find what you are looking for.
VHL.com: The last website that I visit frequently is Vist Higher Learning.com. It is basically my Spanish textbook in an online version. My teacher also puts regular assignments on there for us to complete. The one thing that I like about vhl is that it allows me to leave my textbook at school which makes my backpack lighter. I do not have any dislikes for VHL only because it is a good student resource.
Take, for example, a man started a bakery. The website might contain the list of items that they bake and the ingredients that they use. The man also might want to add that some things might be gluten free or sugar free. The website will also probably have the phone number to contact the bakery and place an order. There should also be an address for the site of the bakery and maybe a map that shows the location to give a person context. You may also find a page that gives information on whether the bakery caters and if so what events they specialize in.
Appearances are also a big thing for websites. People either try to make the site mimic the theme that they are going for or just try to make the site look appealing. Lets use the bakery example from above. The bakery website might either look really appealing or have certain things like cakes and certain baked goods in the background. This is just another way to get people to stay on your website because it looks good.
Renweb: Since I am a student, my most frequently visited wbsite is renweb. Renweb is a site that basically is a planner, a gradebook, and a school directory all in one. It is a very valuable resource that helps all the students at my school. What I like about Renweb is that it has all the information we need for school and it is easy to find info. The one thing that I do not like about Renweb is that there is a login system that is fairly long.
Gaggle: Another student resource is my gaggle email. This is how most of my school comunicates. It is a necessatry resource in our school beclouse otherwise you wouldn't know what was going on. The thing that I like about gaggle is that it is a great form of communication and it is easy to use. The one thing that I don't like about gaggle is not everyone in our school checks it frequently so communication can become frustrating.
Google: Anyone can say that google is the at least in their top five list of most frequently visited websites. Google is the most popular search engine in the world. Google has many different apps such as google docs that can help people communicate and work together from long distances. The one thing that I like about google is that there is always a result for a search. The one thing that I do not like about google is that sometimes searches do not always find what you are looking for and that could be frustrating.
BBC.com: Because of a Geography assignment I frequently use BBC News to find articles about current events. BBC.com has hundreds of articles about world news and are constantly updated to keep up with the world. The one thing that I like about BBC news is that it is a great resource for learning about current events. The one thing that I do not like about BBCnews is that sometimes it can be hard to find what you are looking for.
VHL.com: The last website that I visit frequently is Vist Higher Learning.com. It is basically my Spanish textbook in an online version. My teacher also puts regular assignments on there for us to complete. The one thing that I like about vhl is that it allows me to leave my textbook at school which makes my backpack lighter. I do not have any dislikes for VHL only because it is a good student resource.
Friday, April 10, 2015
Search Engine Optimization is the process of controlling parts of Web sites to improve the rankings in search engines.
Google: Google is the most popular search enginge in the world. It is also probably one of the most used terms in the world too. There are two things that I like about Google and one thing that I do not like about Google:
Google: Google is the most popular search enginge in the world. It is also probably one of the most used terms in the world too. There are two things that I like about Google and one thing that I do not like about Google:
- I like Google for the obvious reason that it is the most widely used search engine.
- Another reason that I like google is because it finds results fast.
- The one thing that I do not like Google is that you have to sometimes be very specific, and even then it sometimes does not find the results you are looking for.
- One thing that I like about Bing is that it is very unique in the result formats that they come up with.
- Another thing that I like abut Bing is that it is a failsafe if Google crashes
- The one thing that I do not like about Bing is that it is not Google.
Yahoo: Yahoo is another search engine that I use periodically and it is a good search engine.
I have two likes and one dislike:
- I like the multiple things that yahoo offers such as astrology and all the different things that make it unique.
- I also use yahoo because my email is yahoo
- The one dislike that I have about yahoo is that sometimes it can become a little confusing with the many different options that they have.
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Monday, March 30, 2015
ISAS Arts Festival
On Thursday some of my classmates and I went to Fort Worth to go to ISAS. ISAS is an arts festival that takes place in a different city in the country every year. This year it was in Fort Worth and Lakehill Prep got the opportunity to attend. We entered numerous things. There was 2D and 3D art adjudications which included photography, painting, drawing, ceramics, basket weaving (exclusively me), and other forms of 3D art. I only entered two things into the festival. I entered in my basket that I have been weaving since the beginning of the year and I entered in a small statue of the Athena Parthenos. There was not a competition, so there was no ranking but there were judges that critiqued what we had made. I got a lot of positive feedback and it was a lot of fun. The only downside is that I got a pretty bad sunburn on the back of my neck.
Sunday, March 15, 2015
The Trolls of the Horde
The trolls are and are not what you would expect them to be. The women stand upright and have small tusks protruding from their mouths. The males do not have the same posture. They are more bent over when they are idle. The males also have tusks protruding from their mouths, but theirs are considerably larger.The skin color of the trolls varies a lot too. It can be blue or green and some colors in between. The leader of the trolls is Vol'jin and the capital city is Darkspear Isle. Trolls can be Druids, Shamans, Rogues, Priests, Warriors, Death Knights, Magi, Hunters, and Warlocks. The reason why I like trolls is probably just because they look really cool and because of their racial abilities. The one racial ability that I like is regeneration which increases health regeneration by 10%
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Troll Icon |
Troll |
The Tribal Tauren
The Tauren are basically giant bison that walk on their hind legs. Hence the racial name "Tauren" which derives from the Latin root for bull. The Tauren are most like the North American Indians. They are very spiritual and live in tepees and live in a prairie-like landscape. Their leader is Baine Bloodhoof and the capital city of the Tauren is Thunder Bluff. Thunder Bluff is situated on a series of very high plateaus. There is a giant totem pole in the middle of the city that allows people to access various levels of Thunder Bluff. There are numerous reasons why I love the Taurens. One is just because of their massive stature. This also makes the weapons that they hold equally massive and this just makes it a lot more awesome. Another reason is because of the spiritual aspect of the race. They are also able to become Druids and Shamans which is a bonus in my opinion. The racial ability that stands out with the Tauren is War Stomp which stuns 5 enemies within 8 yards for 2 seconds.
Tauren Icon & Tauren Paladin |
I know that initially I said that I would be writing about both the Horde and the Alliance races but since I mainly play on the Alliance I will limit the Horde Races to my two favorite. Theses are the Tauren and the Trolls. You can definitely research to see if the Horde suits you but this is my plan.
The Wise Night Elves
Night Elf Crest "Icon of Wisdom" |
Tyrande Whisperwind |
Malfurion Stormrage & Tyrande Whisperwind |
The Noble Draenei
Draenei Crest |
The Draenei are in basics an alien race in WoW. They come from their homeland of Argus. Originally they were called the Eredar and their race was once a whole in unity but a greater power sought to take away that unity. There was a triumvirate of three very powerful leaders. One of those was Velen, now leader of the Draenei. He had a vision that showed him what was to become of their race and he tried to warn others. Unfortunately corruption and the promise of power was too great for most of the Eredar. So Velen fled Argus with his followers which he later named the Draenei or "Exiled Ones." The journey was very dangerous and the Draenei ended up crashing in the northern part of Kalimdor. The crash was very unfortunate and killed many but nonetheless many also survived. The Draenei are sided with the Alliance and are a very peaceful and strong race. The capital city of the Draenei is the Exodar which is the ship that they crashed in. As I mentioned before their leader is Velen. Most of the times he is referred to as a prophet because he saw what was to become of them and saved many people. The Draenei are an alien race and they do look like aliens, but not in the stereotypical way. Their skin colors are various shades of blue, some pale white colors, and sometimes a bit of purple. The Draenei do not have feet, but instead they have hooves and tails. The women have horns while the men have bony crests that resemble horns. The Draenei are one of my favorite races for a few reasons. One is because of how they look. I think the hooves and the tails are awesome. I also really like them because of what they stand for. Draenei can become Priests, Magi, Shamans, Paladins, Monks, Warriors, Hunters, and Death Knights. The one racial ability that I will mention is the Gift of the Naaru. It is a healing ability that heals the target for 20% of the caster's total health over five seconds.
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Draenei Priest |
Draenei Paladin |
Friday, February 27, 2015
End It Movement
Hello everyone,
This post is going to be a little unorthodox but it is for a good cause. It is about slavery in modern day times. It is more common than most people think and it needs to be stopped. Here are a few facts in a brief paragraph.
In the ancient times slavery was something that was not
uncommon. It could be found all over the world. As time progressed, people
started to see that it was not humane to have forced slavery. While this did
cause an impact, it wasn't enough to totally end slavery. The U.S. is one of
the more famous countries to have slavery. It was the cause to the Civil War
which caused countless deaths over a subject that was wrong. The U.S. ended
slavery eventually, but I’m sure it would surprise some of you if I said that
slavery is the second largest organized crime in the world. As of now there are
27,000,000 slaves worldwide. That is enough people to go around the world once
if they held hands. That is the current population of Texas, the second largest
state in the U.S. Currently, there are
60,100 slaves in America. On a global
scale, there are 167 countries that have slavery. This is 85% of the countries
in the world! We need to stop slavery. We thought that it was an ancient
problem that doesn't exist anymore, but the fact is that it is still extant.
Slavery is more of a problem now that it ever was and it has to end.
All of the information is from www.enditmovement.com. For more information go to this website. It sheds a whole new light on modern day slavery. Even I was surprised at how common slavery was. If you visit the website, make sure to scroll down and take a look at the trend that is going on. All you have to do is follow the steps on the bottom half of the page.
Monday, February 23, 2015
The Vicious Worgens
The Worgens are any teenage girl's definition of a werewolf. Normally werewolves are caught in a love story, but the story of the worgens is a bit more tragic. They used to all be humans but then a curse spread through the land and they became infected. This curse turned them into half-man and half-wolf. Most people didn't understand what was going on so they retaliated against their own kind. This was until everyone had pretty much been cursed, including their leader, Genn Greymane. The worgen race was included with the Cataclysm expansion and therefore not only do you start with the city being plagued by the curse but it is also being destroyed. As you progress you constantly have to keep moving from place to place because everything is falling into the sea. The capital city of the Worgens used to be Gilneas, but their home was destroyed. Now they make their home in the Night Elven capital of Darnassus. The Night Elves took pity on them and excepted them into their homes seeing that they had no where else to go. The designs of the worgen models are okay. The male model is great. It looks vicious and cunning in nature. The female form of the worgen is not so great. You don't perceive that viciousness from them. I saw one picture that compared their face to a chihuahua and let me say that they weren't that far off. I kinda wish that they would update the female model to make it look more frightening. The worgens are probably number three on my favorite race list. The classes they can choose are diverse. They can be magi, priests, warriors, druids, hunters, death knights, rogues, and warlocks. The racial abilities for the worgens are:
Worgen Crest http://www.wowwiki.com/Crests |
- Darkflight: It activates true form and increases your movement speed by 40% for 10 sec.
- Viciousness: Critical strike increased by 1%
- Aberration: Resistance to shadow and nature damage
- Flayer: Skinning skill is increased by 15 and you skin faster.
- Two Forms: Allows you to switch between Human and Worgen form.
- Running Wild: This is like the racial mount for worgens, except that you are the mount.Your character will drop onto all forms like a wild animal and run. This ability increases speed based on the ability you have. It can be a 60% increase or a 100% increase.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
The Mighty Dwarves of Ironforge
Dwarf Crest http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/world-of- warcraft/images/510262/title/dwarf-crest-photo |
The Dwarves of Ironforge are the typical picture of a dwarf if it is from the realm of J.R.R. Tolkien. Dwarves, in my opinion are built like tanks. They are short but with that shortness comes a very sturdy build. They are resilient just like most of the other things that are connected to them. Dwarves are also very foolhardy and a bit rowdy but they make for a good crowd. They are also brave and courageous with the will, determination, stubbornness that makes them a great ally. The Dwarves are sided with the Alliance and their Capital City is Ironforge. Like the dwarves, Ironforge is a strong and magnificent city. It is carved into a mountain in the center of Khaz Modan. This is just like the Dwarven kingdom of Erebor form J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit. If you haven't noticed, I am a huge Tolkien fan/nerd and I think this deserves a little back story. In Middle Earth, there are many races of beings. There are Humans, Elves, Hobbits, Dwarves, Wizards (only five exist), Goblins, and Orcs. There were seven dwarf kingdoms in Middle Earth. The greatest of them all was Erebor. Erebor was the wealthiest kindom in all of Middle Earth. It was carved into the heart of a mountain and it went miles deep into the earth. Sometimes I wonder if the WOW creators got the inspiration for Ironforge from Erebor. If you have seen The Hobbit movies and if you play WOW and have seen Ironforge, then you would know what I am talking about. The head of the Dwarf race is a triumvirate of sorts. There are three clans and there is one leader from each clan. Dwarves are my third favorite race because of Tolkien and because of Ironforge. I love how it provides a feeling of protection because you feel safe and welcome inside the mountain. That and also because of the giant iron door at the entrance that not event the most powerful mage could break. The special abilities for the dwarves are:
- StoneForm: This is an ability that turns the dwarf into a stone form that rids the character of any poisons and other harmful effects and provides natural armor.
- Frost Resistance: Dwarves have a natural resistance to frost damage. Just look at where they live and you'll know why.
- Explorer: Dwarves have an increase in the skill of archaeology.
- Might of the Mountain: Dwarves are very tough both in battle and in nature so they have a natural increase in critical strike.
Monday, February 16, 2015
Clever Gnomes
The appearance of Gnomes are just as you would expect it to be. The only difference is that they can be deadly. Gnomes are very clever and are the most technologically advanced races in the Alliance besides the Dwarves. The leader of the gnomes is High Tinker Mekkatorque and the capital city is a little bit hard to determine. The Gnomes first capital city is New Tinkertown, but with the destruction of the city the Gnomes found refuge in Ironforge. This is the capital city of the Dwarves. With the new expansions, the Gnomes are found to have been ousted from Ironforge. They are currently trying to regain their lost land. Gnomes can be Mages, Monks, Death Knights, Priests, Rogues, Warlocks, and Warriors. The special racial abilities and perks are:
- Arcane Resistance. This is a resistance to arcane damage of 1%.
- Engineering Specialization. Engineering skill is increased by 15. It make sense that they benefit from this because of their infatuation with tinkering and building things.
- Escape Artist. Gnomes have the ability to escape any movement impairing effects or speed reduction effects. It is obvious that they are able to do this because of their short stature.
- Expansive Mind. Maximum resource increased by 5%. Which means that the mana is increased by 5%. As a reminder, mana is the resource for all magical abilities and spells.
- Nimble Fingers. Haste increased by 1%. Haste increases attack speed and casting time for spells.
Humans of the Alliance
The humans are the leading race for the Alliance faction. Their capital city is Stormwind City and their king is Varian Wrynn. As leader of the human race, he is therefore the leader of the Alliance. Humans can be many different classes. Every option is available except for druids, shamans. In my opinion I personally do not like to play as a human because I find it boring. Why play as a human when you already are one. Again this is just my opinion. Every race comes with certain benefits. The human race benefits are:
- 10% increase in reputation gains. So that means that if you were trying to earn a higher level of reputation with a race it would be a bit easier with the human race.
- Every Man For Himself. This is a racial ability that removes all movement impairing effects.
- The Human Spirit. Versatility increased by 100. Versatility gives a boost to heals, damage, etc.
Human Crest http://hu.wow.wikia.com/wiki/Human |
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Intro to Blog
Hello Everyone,
I have created this blog to tell people about World of Warcraft. Most of my posts will be information about the different races and the different classes that people are able to choose. I will also post about which races and which classes are my favorite. I am looking forward to writing future posts!
I have created this blog to tell people about World of Warcraft. Most of my posts will be information about the different races and the different classes that people are able to choose. I will also post about which races and which classes are my favorite. I am looking forward to writing future posts!
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